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Emulator image files
Other virtual machines
This is a quick guide to the locations of various forms of Sugar software that can run in QEMU emulation or VMware or VirtualBox virtualization.
You can download installation images (.iso files) for Linux distributions that support Sugar and create your own bootable images with Sugar installed.
See VirtualBox, VMware, or QEMU for more information on how to run an image, and Supported systems for more information on what is available.
- wikipedia Comparison_of_platform_virtual_machines Very nice comparison of features of various Virtual Machines Platforms
Template:Admon/note LATEST VERSION :VirtualBox 4.0 Download: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html 12/24/2010 satellit
- Preliminary testing shows Virtual Box Appliances from ver 3.1.10-12 import and function well in ver 4.0.x and visa-versa 12/26/2010 satellit
- VirtualBox-4.0 is OSE version until you add :Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack
- All Platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and Linux)
- VMware Workstation xxx.vmdk Hard Disks will work as "existing Disks" in Virtual Box
Sugar on a Stick v3-Mirabelle
- Sugar 0.88.0
- firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
- How Built:
- root=sugarroot
- 8-GB Virtual Box hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- download and import 2 files:
http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Fedora-13-i686-Live-SoaS-sugaruser.vmdk 533M http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Fedora-13-i686-Live-SoaS-sugaruser.ovf 12K
- Note1:Use a later version of Oracle VM VirtualBox (3.2_10.8-64453 or later). Some appliances have multiple hard disc controllers and the earlier Sun VirtualBox 3.1 version does not support them.
- Note2: All appliances were built on a MacBook Air with Oracle VM VirtualBox (3.2.10-r66523) then tested on a Ubuntu installation on an Acer Aspire One Netbook imported into VirtualBox (3.2.10 r66523)
- Note3:Set ControlPanel/Frame "Edge" slider to far left for easier access to sugar-frame features
- VMware Player Version
Sugar on a Stick v4-Mango Lassi
- Sugar 0.90.1
- user=sugar
- password=sugaruser
- root=sugarroot
- How Built:
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- download and import 2 files:
http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Fedora-14-i686-Live-SoaS-2.ovf 12K http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Fedora-14-i686-Live-SoaS-2-disk1.vmdk 606M
- had to modify the .ovf to get the image running on a X60 with ubuntu maverick:
http://people.sugarlabs.org/dogi/virtualbox/Fedora-14-i686-Live-SoaS-2.1.ovf 12K
- Note, this appliance has 1024x768 screensize available as VirtualBox extensions were compiled into the kernel.
To Update Sugar
- Sugar update does not work in control panel
- In root sugar-terminal:
yum groupinstall sugar-desktop
- (install 9 packages, Upgrade 10 packages) 02/02/2011 satellit
- Sugar 0.86.2
- Information
- Log in as sugar
- password=sugaruser
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- download and import 2 files:
http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Trisquel-3-sugar-sugaruser.vmdk 543M http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Trisquel-3-sugar-sugaruser.ovf 12K user=sugar pswd=sugaruser root=sugarroot
- VMware Player Version
- Gnome and sugar 0.90.1
- Log in as sugar
- password=sugaruser
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- Updated 12/23/2010
- download and import 2 files:
http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/trisquel_4.0.1_ext4-sugar0901.ovf 13K http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/trisquel_4.0.1_ext4.vmdk 2.1 GB
- VMware Player Version
Trisquel-4.5 -Gnome-sugar BETA
- Gnome and sugar 0.88.1
- Beta, so not for Production use, but quite stable for testing
- trisquel 4.5 Download
- Autologon
- User is sugar
- password=sugaruser
- 12-GB VirtualBox hard disc -(7.5 GB available) /boot ext4 883MiB / 11 GB ext4 (physical)
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- Pidgon set up to log in to #sugar and #trisquel from gnome Desktop
- Sugar sweets 0.88.1 with 30 applications: How to install sweets-sugar-desktop 0.88.1
- Updated 02/04/2011 (System/Administration/Update Manager)
- download and import 2 files:
http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Tris-45-Sugar0801-4.ovf http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Tris-45-Sugar0801-4-disk1.vmdk
- NOTE: This is a Beta version. A lot of updates are still coming in.
- Sugar 0.88.1 is a much more stable release than sugar 0.90.1
- 20 new applications were installed by CP/software update
- Some of these applications do (NOT start) or have problems:
Etoys (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot) read (will not open .pdf) (known bug) GCompris 15 (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot) downloads but is slow as:(62 MB) 4-5 minutes? Flip Sticks (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot) Get Books 5 (works and imports .pdf to journal but Read will not open it) Colors 15 (Starts but no brush to draw with) Scratch-20100321 (waiting fix ) Squeak (In gnome-desktop:cannot find image; waiting fix) Tetris Mat (crashes after intro screen) Tam Tam Mini (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot) Terminal (Works but icon on top bar to go to # does not work- This is Ubuntu; COMMAND SHOULD BE "SUDO SU"..) not su. Terminal crashes if use top icon for # is used
- Full Gnome Desktop plus Sugar 0.88.1
- Debian Information
- Updated 12/05/2010 includes activities Downloaded from ASLO as .xo files; and sugar-emulator.
- Log in as sugar
- password=sugaruser
- root=sugarroot
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- download and import 2 files:
http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Debian-sugaruser.vmdk 2.1G http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/Debian-sugaruser-1.ovf 14K
- Full Gnome Desktop plus Sugar-0.88.0
- Mandriva Information
- Note Log into gnome desktop first to enable networking then start sugar-emulator
- Log in as sugar
- password=sugaruser
- root=sugaruser
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- download and import 2 files:
download and import 2 files: http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/mandriva-linux-one-2010-sugaruser-plus.ovf 14K http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/VirtualBox/mandriva-linux-one-2010.vmdk 1.4G
- 2010.2 free DVD Download
- Mandriva_Linux_2010.1 Download
- Mandriva 2010.1 Features
- The Brazilian government education authority has selected Intel-powered classmate PCs running Mandriva Linux for educational use nationwide.
Photo of F1 Neighborhood on MacBook Air-Mandriva 2010.1
- Note: The above appliances were built on a MacBook Air with Oracle VM VirtualBox (3.2.10-r66523) then tested on a Ubuntu installation on an Acer Aspire One Netbook imported into VirtualBox (3.2.10 r66523)
Some Suggestions on Using VirtualBox
- Export your appliances to an external USB hard disk
- This functions like the Mac Application "Time Machine"
- Save each exported Appliance in a folder marked with the name and date of export.
- You can then import this Appliance to restore the state of the Appliance on that date.
- Run an Existing VirtualBox Appliance from an external USB Hard Drive
- Portable, Individual Copy for Student, Move between separate Computers.
- copy-paste the xxxx.vmdk file from /(User)/Virtualbox/HardDisks/xxxx.vmdk to a Folder on an external USB HD
- Menu: Machine>New>continue>Name>Operating System>Version/Memory/Continue>Use existing hard disk>[chose xxxx.vmdk on an External USB HD]> Start.
- Note Running from a USB Memory Stick Crawls, VERY slowly - not practical.
- Testing of appliance running from an external USB Hard Disk
- Appears to depend on the Speed of the Host Machine: (needs farther testing)
- Very Slow - Fedora-13-Soas/VB 3.2.12 on Windows XP SP2/ EeePC 1000HE 12/26/2010 satellit
- Very Slow - Trisquel-3-sugar/VB 3.2.12 on Windows XP SP2/ EeePC 1000HE 12/26/2010 satellit
- Acceptable- Fedora-13-Soas/VB 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 /hp Pavillion Turion 64x2 laptop 12/26/2010 satellit
- Acceptable- Trisquel-3-sugar/VB 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 /hp Pavillion Turion 64x2 laptop 12/26/2010 satellit
Join IRC for Help
- Ask for help on this channel
- Please be courteous and ask your questions.
- Volunteers may not be on line all of the time. Be patient and stay connected for several minutes to see their answer.
- http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#id2727661 [Configuring virtual machines]
- http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#id321700 [USB Support]
- Virtualbox On line Manual
- UserManual.pdf
Extension Pack
- Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack
- All Platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and Linux)
VMware Player
- VMware Player appliance of soas-v3-Mirabelle
- Compressed in .zip file
- Download
- This appliance is ready to run "firstboot" (agree/user name/password/tz/etc)
- sugarroot is the root password.
- VMware Player appliance Trisquel-3 (NEW) 01/05/2011
- Compressed in .zip file
- download
- User=sugar
- Password=sugaruser
- VMware Player appliance Trisquel-4+sugar (NEW) 01/05/2011
- Compressed in .zip file
- download
- User=sugar
- Password=sugaruser
- VMware Player appliance Sugar on a Stick v2 (Blueberry)
- VMware Player appliance of openSUSE-Sugar
Older Virtual Appliances
Hint for the following Appliances: when Downloading xxxx.mf and xxxx.ovf files use "save as" to download then hit < on browser to return to previous screen in browser
- Sugar on a Stick v2 Bluberry
- link: Blueberry
Read this first. - download and import 3 files: soas-2-blueberry.ovf soas-2-blueberry.mf soas-2-blueberry.vmdk
- Sugar on a Stick v1 Strawberry
- Link: Strawberry
- soas-strawberry-vdi.zip Sugar 0.84 (22 June 2009)
- This is a compressed VirtualBox Hardisk. Decompress it and Create a new Virtualbox Appliance that points to this existing .vdi Hard Disk not a new one.
- How_to_Update_Soas-v1-Strawberry-vdi Activities
- openSUSE-Sugar-11.3
- Reference links: openSUSE-Sugar-11.3.i686-1.0.0-Build6.3.iso Uploaded 26 September 2010
- download and import 3 files:openSUSE_sugar.ovf openSUSE_sugar.ovf openSUSE_sugar.mf openSUSE-Sugar-11.3.vmdk
- 8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
- English and English keyboard
- USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
- Autologin- user=sugar password=sugaruser
- Ready to auto-configure to your hardware on first booting.
- note choose /dev/sda2 when prompted to do so on first run
- UbuntuSugarRemix
- Reference links: Community/Distributions/Ubuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar
- shutdown does nothing from sugar; To exit sugar use "Log Out" then shutdown from bottom right gdm bar
- download and import 3 files: USR-922-IRC-Remix.ovf USR-922-IRC-Remix.mf USR-i386-20100922.vmdk
- TZ=LA USA USA Keyboard 8-GB HD fully updated on 22 September 2010 with
- apt-get Updates
- apt-get Upgrade
- Remixed to add
- Surf-115.xo browser
- IRC.xo -(edited to log in to #sugar and #ubuntu-sugarteam)
- Analyze.xo
- Import the 3 files into Oracle Virtualbox
- User=sugar autologin
- Password=sugaruser
- install the virtualbox guest additions
- Integrates a Running Virtualbox Appliance with the desktop
- install the virtualbox guest additions with sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils
Image installation tools
- ZyX-LiveInstaller allows you to install Sugar from either a booted Live USB device,
- or Live CD media to a system or external disk.
- It creates an exact copy of your running live CD as a traditional (Persistent) installation on your hard-disk (or removable media such as SD or USB storage devices.
- This program can be useful for installing to a virtualized hard disk. It is not included in builds after soas-v2 Blueberry, so it must be downloaded and installed to use.
- In a running SoaS Terminal session or console, execute the following commands:
yum install zyx-liveinstaller gparted
- Make a Virtualbox or VMware Player appliance with a burned CD of your favorite xxx.iso
- http://www.easyvmx.com/ is a web site that builds a vmx file to your specifications (free).
- Works fine, runs on most platforms, and has persistence after installation. (tested with Trisquel 4.0.1 DVD 12/24/2010 satellit)
- Virtual Appliance that you create Can be opened with either Virtualbox or VMware Player
- Virtualbox 4.0 Download (free): http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html
- VMware Player download (free): http://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/
- (Note:VMware Workstation not needed for VMware Player to create Virtual Appliance)
- specified a 8 GB Hard Drive; name; and other parameters
- downloaded, in browse, the Custom vmx file as a .zip file
- Decompressed the .zip file
- Insert the CD of your favorite xxx.iso
- Open VirtualBox4.0 or VMware Player and point it to this vmx file
- In Virtualbox Settings/specify CD Player (/dev/sr0); Start
- VMware Player starts CD automatically
- Open VirtualBox4.0 or VMware Player and point it to this vmx file
- EXAMPLE: soas-i386-20100926.17.iso burned to a CD
- Put soas-i386-20100926.17 CD in your CD Drive
- CD boots in VirtualBox-4.0 or VMware Player application
- Sugar Starts
- To install to EasyVMX Hard Disk:
- Open Sugar-terminal:
su liveinst Anaconda installer opens Initialize all disks Install procedes normally reboot firstboot Log in to user you specified
HINT: copy all of the EasyVMX Hard Disk Files on a 2 GB USB stick.
- (note runs about 10x slower on a USB stick)
- Example above created a 1.4 GB set of files'
- Copy-Paste all files
- Sugar on a Stick in Virtualbox or VM Player Hard Disk form with persistence
- Portable (Student can take home and run on home Computer)
- Run it on different Platforms