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Sweets Distribution
Sugar Network Tutorial
- Annotated screen shots with Links
Sweets-Getting Started
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- Some ideas on how to present SWEETS. (Inkyfingers)
- look at Infrastructure for an overview.
Sweets Distribution
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- (Sweets Distribution is easier to use for Ubuntu' and its Derivatives (Adding an additional Repository to apt) as the packages are pre-configured, ready to use.)
- (Developed for Trisquel-sugar-Toast )
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- (Advanced)
- Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE, and Gentoo
- (This guide describes how to run Sugar using Sugar Packaging Management System, Sweets.)
- Request for better Documentation of installs
- (For developers)
Sugar Network
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- Overview: Sugar_Network/Concept
- Collaboration support for Internet-less environments (but not only)
- Tests of which activities start by page
- Look at this tutorial: Sugar_Network/Tutorial
* The possibility to launch Base Software in heterogeneous software and hardware environments. * Using Base Software, provide access to various Content (Sugar activities, artifacts created by Sugar activities, books, etc.) created within the Sugar community. * Using Base Software, provide collaborative functionality to support Social activity around the Content. * Instruments and workflows to adapt Content and Base Software to specific needs that Sugar Deployment might face, including extreme ones like off-line environments and restricting hardware.
- [Sugar-devel] [SWEETS] Testing collaboration related fixes 05/07/2012
Hi all! Following the plan for Harmonic Distribution v0.2 (which will be a basis for Sugar Distribution to use in peruvian pilot), in Sugar Shell code were made fixes that are intended to make Telepathy (everything related to Neighbourhood view and Sugar Activities sharing/joining) more stable (that was broken since global redesign started after 0.88 release). Fixes are accessible from SweetsDistribution:Factory repository. Follow regular Sweets Distribution installation instructions[1] to install fixed Sugar Shell on all supported platforms[2]. Some visible changes in F1 view: * the number of buddies should be increased from ~20 to 70-90 some Sugar versions (maybe 0.90-0.92) don't publish information about nickname/colors on regular basis; this information are being stored on disk for now * for some buddies, server still don't have information about colors (replaced by gray) and nick names (jabber ids) If you have a time and want to help Puno deployment pilot, please, consider possibility to install sweets-desktop from Factory repository and do some testing of collaboration functionality. Some tips: * while interacting with another buddies, make sure that all participants use Sweets Distribution (some F1 buddies might misbehave) * the good criteria of stability level of new Sugar is comparing with how collaboration happen in 0.88 Sugar. Source code, for interested in people, can be found in top commits from: * http://git.sugarlabs.org/desktop/sugar * http://git.sugarlabs.org/desktop/sugar-toolkit * http://git.sugarlabs.org/server/prosody-sugar [1] Community/Distributions/Sweets_Distribution#Installation [2] Platform_Team/Harmonic_Distribution/Supported_platforms -- Aleksey Sugar-devel mailing list Sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
- BoxGrinder Build is an easy to use command line tool to create appliances (virtual images) from simple plaintext appliance definition files. BoxGrinder can produce appliances for a variety of virtual and cloud platforms using plugins supporting technologies such as VMware or EC2.
- http://boxgrinder.org
- http://boxgrinder.org/community/
- http://boxgrinder.org/tutorials/
- http://boxgrinder.org/tutorials/boxgrinder-build-meta-appliance/
- http://boxgrinder.org/download/boxgrinder-build-meta-appliance/
- Advanced
- used to build non-live CD/DVD isos
Pungi needs to run on the arch it is composing, as root, and with an install of what it is composing, eg if you are composing Fedora 8, you need to be running Fedora 8. This is so that the correct userland tools are used to create the images and such used by anaconda. The eventual usage of pungi will most likely be in mock chroots to facilitate this. It needs to run on the arch it is composing due to how anaconda-runtime determines what files to put in the boot images at this time. Currently the releases of pungi are designed to run on an updated Rawhide system. Development of pungi always tracks Rawhide.
- Click on title ^ to go to topic
- (Very Advanced)
- Koji is the software that builds RPM packages for the Fedora project
- How_to_create_an_RPM_package in Fedora
- Click on title ^ to go to topic
- Advanced - Used by Sugar Developers
- Git Tutorial
- L10n Translations
There is a git user named "pootle" that acts as the proxy by which all PO file translations are committed from the Pootle server. Please make pootle a committer on the repo and I will make the connections between git and the Pootle server. Some "best practices" about working with git and Pootle are described here. Translation Team Best Practices
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- Very Advanced
- "Groupthink is a library of self-sharing data structures written in python and shared over dbus.
- Together with the D-Bus Tubes provided by the Telepathy framework, this enables data structures to be shared over a network."
OLPC XO-1 and XO-1.5 links and Notes
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Dextrose Building
Dextrose uses olpc-os-builder, a tool create by OLPC to build official and customized system images. The Dextrose git repository contains, olpc-os-builder, local customizations specific to Dextrose, and fixes and enhancements waiting to be pushed upstream.
XS Schoolserver 0.7
- Click on title ^ to go to topic
- How to install:http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Installing_Software_0.7
- Download: http://dev.laptop.org/xs/OLPC-School-Server-0.7beta2-i386.iso
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Fedora_17_Beta
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Fedora17_rawhide
- http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/releases/test/17-Beta/Images/armhfp/
- f17-arm RC-1: http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/arm-nightlies/vault/to-mirrors/RC1/armhfp/
- Boot from CD: http://www.trimslice.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=412
Ubuntu 11.04
- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM
- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server/Install
- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch
- New TrimSlicePro -h with Hard Disk--Satellit 08:23, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
- Problems:
- Ethernet connection fails- have to use a external [USB to Ethernet] adapter.
- Wireless works but is slow
- Update Manager (Graphical) fails to update
- use root terminal- (asks if OK to install unsigned software)
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
- Long Update
- New kernel:
apt-get dist-upgrade
- Updated to Linux-image-trimslice 5183 kb
Install sugar 0.90
apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.90
- Long update
- http://www.raspbian.org/
- Also Fedora Nightlies: http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/arm-nightlies/
Test Report Sugar 0.94.1 on RPi
- Release Jun 19, 2012 : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Fedora_17_GA
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_ARM_Hardware
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/HowToQemu
f17 Nightly Images
- Nightly Composes: http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/arm-nightlies/
- Beta Release Criteria: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Quality_Assurance/Beta_Release_Criteria
Serial interface ONLY
- Mac-Trimslice Pro Connections:
- Nice Terminal Emulator for Mac:http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/31352/coolterm
- Connection Diagram:
[MacBookPro USB port]---[usb to serial adapter (&)]---[null modem]--[serial cable]--(TrimSlice serial to mini cable]--[TrimSlice serial port]
- (&) DYNEX USB_PDA/Serial Adapter (Dynex DX-UD889)
- Console Speed 115200 bps, 8n1,
- Note these are experimental FOR TESTING ONLY - Still in development; use with caution
- The kernel used does not support startx
- No graphical interfaces are available at this time for TrimSlicePro and TrimSlice -h
- dd will write a live USB but it will not boot in arm devices.
- works in intel PC's
- livecd-tools does not work
SD Card Install
This is a Fedora 17 Hard Float Trimslice Image suitable for writing to an SD card and placed in the Trimslice's Full Size SD slot (Front slot) and booting without further modification. Write with xzcat file.xz > /dev/mmcblkX, put in the device, and you're ready to go. Boots to a serial console.
Most of the SD card images can be used with a USB storage device drive using the following method: Write the image to both the USB storage device and an SD card. IE, write the image using xzcat file.xz > /dev/sdX then xzcat file.xz > /dev/mmcblkX. Once written, use a partition editor such as fdisk to delete the VFAT partition from the USB drive and the Linux partition from SD card. Plug the SD and USB storage into your ARM device and power up. The ARM system will load any applicable bootloader pieces, kernel, and initramfs from the SD card, but use the USB storage for the root filesystem. Nearly images are self-sufficient, but a kernel tarball is optionally available with the contents of the image's /boot and /lib/modules directories. These can be used in conjunction with the tarball root filesystems to create your own images.
- Resizer Script and systemd file
- Power PC
- Community/Distributions/Ubuntu/PPC
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/PowerPC
- Latest Fedora release for PPC is currently Fedora 12
- Doing builds again for fedora 16
- IRC: #fedora-ppc on irc.freenode.net
SoaS in Parallels for OSX
- (experimental)
- (Not very current)