Oversight Board

Revision as of 19:52, 24 February 2010 by Faggot (talk | contribs) (moved Oversight Board to Walter is a wanker 13: Walter is a wanker)

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The Oversight Board

The 2009–2010 oversight board members are:

We'd like to thank the follow former board members for their contributions:


The mission of the oversight board is to ensure that the Sugar Labs community has clarity of purpose and the means to collaborate in achieving its goals. (See Sugar_Labs/Governance)


Details of meeting times and links to the minutes can be found at Oversight Board/Minutes

Additional roles within Sugar Labs

Ombudsman: A neutral party with whom anyone (member or non-member) may consult privately. The ombudsman will make a monthly report to the Oversight Board and the community. Bert Freudenberg is Ombudsman (Please email ombudsman (at) sugarlabs.org).

System administrator: ex officio, nonvoting member of the Infrastructure Committee

Treasurer: ex officio, nonvoting member of the Finance Committee
